渣打银行:石油市场并没有崩溃 只是对供应过剩的反应




中国石化新闻网讯 据油价网9月15日报道,渣打银行大宗商品分析师表示,由于油价持续暴跌,原油产量意外增加和战略石油储备再次释放引发了最新一轮抛售,但石油市场并没有从根本上崩溃,而只是对市场石油过剩做出反应。  






李峻 编译自 油价网


The Oil Market Isn’t Broken, It’s Just Responding To A Supply Surplus

·     Standard Chartered: The latest selloff doesn’t mean the market is broken.

·     Standard Chartered analysts say the market is “well-functioning” and the simple answer is a “sharp swing into surplus”.

·     StanChart analysts estimate the Q3 surplus at 1.82 million barrels per day.

As oil prices continue to plunge, with the latest selloff triggered by a surprise crude build and another release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, commodity analysts at Standard Chartered say the oil market is not fundamentally broken but is rather merely responding to a surplus. 

In its latest commodities market update on Thursday, StanChart says that the global oil market is currently in excess supply, with the U.S. transferring an average 0.83 million barrels per day (mb/d) into commercial inventories in the third quarter. 

StanChart analysts estimate the Q3 surplus at 1.82 million barrels per day, and suggest that forecasts–notably from U.S. investment banks–that were indicating the potential for $150 oil were wrong and that the market “has not yet fully priced in the extent to which that assumption proved wrong”. 

While forecasters have blamed market mechanism failures, volatility, trader irrationality and low liquidity for the recent plunge in oil prices, Standard Chartered analysts say the market is “well-functioning” and the simple answer is a “sharp swing into surplus”.  

Now, “with a large global flow surplus and those transfers available to rebuild inventories, US oil data has been mainly bearish in Q3,” Standard Chartered writes, adding that “The latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) release continues that trend, with our US oil data bull-bear falling 8.3 w/w to a highly bearish -70.0.” 

Standard Chartered described early indications of September demand as “weak”, noting that “demand for all products is lower y/y except other oils. The distillate data was particularly weak, with a sharp 4.22mb inventory build and the lowest implied demand in 20 months.”
