
中国石化新闻网讯 据管道新闻网9月19日消息称,三名知情人士称,德国公用事业公司RWE和Uniper即将达成长期协议,从卡塔尔的North Field 扩建项目购买液化天然气,以帮助替代进口天然气。


尽管与卡塔尔达成供应协议对德国有利,但它们不会为柏林的能源危机提供迫在眉睫的解决方案,因为庞大的North Field扩建项目预计要到2026年才能投产。

曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网


RWE, Uniper Close to Long-Term LNG Deals with Qatar

German utilities RWE and Uniper are close to striking long-term deals to buy LNG from Qatar's North Field expansion project to help replace the imported gas, three sources familiar with the matter said.

Europe's biggest economy aims to replace all energy imports by as soon as mid-2024, a Herculean effort for a country that mainly relies on natural gas to power its industry.

While supply deals with Qatar would be positive for Germany, they would not offer an imminent solution to Berlin's energy crisis as the vast North Field Expansion project is not expected to come online before 2026.
