中国石化新闻网讯 据美国钻井网站2022年9月1日报道,能源转型的转折点究竟发生在什么时候还有待商榷,但自2015年签署《巴黎协定》以来,一系列宏观变化结合在一起,最终推动一场如今已不可阻挡的能源转型。
那么,这对石油和天然气意味着什么呢? 根据赫尔墨斯的说法,有四个关键领域对该行业产生了影响。
李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站
Energy Transition Now Unstoppable
It is debatable exactly when the tipping point occurred, but a series of macro changes have combined since the 2015 Paris Agreement to ultimately drive an energy transition that is now unstoppable.
That’s according to Hans Dieter Hermes, the VP of Hydrogen at Worley, who told Rigzone that rising awareness of climate related risk, more intense political and social interest in energy security and supply, shareholder and investor pressure on ESG performance, and companies making significant emissions reduction commitments are tangible outcomes of this.
“There has also been significant movement in technology, with the cost of renewable energy falling dramatically to the point where, in many locations, they offer the lowest cost energy option,” Hermes said.
“Of course, it’s never a simple transfer of one energy supply solution to another, and even in a net-zero world we still see significant quantities of oil and gas being used for energy and chemical feedstocks with offsets, carbon capture use and storage and direct air capture dealing with the emissions produced,” he added.
So what does this mean for oil and gas? Well, according to Hermes, there are four key areas of impact on the sector.
The first is the continued diversification of energy majors into “energy” companies, including into cleaner and lower emissions fuels, the electricity industry (including e-mobility, e-fuels, charging infrastructure and even retail companies), and cross-sector areas such as low emissions hydrogen, Hermes outlined.
The second is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from current operations and planned developments and the third is the response to the eventual reduction in demand for oil and gas required to meet global net zero objectives, Hermes pointed out.
“The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that oil demand will eventually decline, though the speed of this decline is not certain,” he said.
“While capital investment in upstream oil and gas will increase in the short term, we expect to see careful project selection based on cost of production and carbon intensity coupled with a continued focus on capital-efficient project delivery,” he added.
Finally, Hermes revealed that another key area of impact on the sector is the transfer of skills into new energy transition areas.
“The oil and gas industry has significant expertise which will be pivotal to meeting a net-zero world, including the design, installation and operation of offshore assets, pipelines, complex process plant and equipment, drilling and underground/undersea engineering,” he said.
“The scale of infrastructure deployment to reach net-zero is staggering, $10 trillion in the U.S. alone according to the Net Zero America study of Princeton, and all of the skills will be as a consequence in high demand,” he added.